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सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Thursday 27 May 2021

Politics (Nepal)

One of the most greed lavished politics right now; Nepalese politics:

Why am I writing right now?

I can't see the sufferings around right now, especially when people are dying of Covid-19. What if Politics instead of being  backbone of nation happen to be an infected wound which is spreading and deepening day by day. This isn't  an imaginative story rather it is what that is happening right now.

Citizens of a nation should not put internal matters on the internet as far as possible but the current situation is known to everybody. Nothing is hidden , everyone has made a bad perception of politics, we used to use an idiom" Politics is a dirty game" which appear to be true these days. This nation, this country is a Great Nation that has its own identity that many cannot afford and history tells we had got a true leaders , from King Prithvi Narayan Shah to King Birendra, Bhimsen thapa, Amar singh thapa to  Bir balbhadra kunwar and many more, this nation is known to be land of Gurkhas, who had fought almost every war directly or Indirectly to protect its independence. These leaders had setup standards for this country but right now everything is in chaos.

Here i am talking about not only ruling party but about the whole system inclusive of other parties as well. You know what nothing good is going to happen in a country where president is made out of sympathy, when she isn't independent, when basic principles of objectivity, integrity, independence and competency are compromised.

When it act under undue influence of others, and biased decisions are made. The greatest danger occurs when the position of president and PM lacks knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure the compliance and  order. An unethical practice by such person may bring in a huge accident.

The multiparty system was brought in the country to safeguard the democratic system and thereby enabling it to run  smoothly but the system only cannot do good when so called managers of the system are corrupt, now this system is so much vulnerable, anyone external is trying to get benefit out of this system. And this has been practically observed by current government moves. The most unusual and dramatic changes which i along with many others feel were not required for the country:

 • Abolishing monarchy was a bad idea, atleast by the current situation it is appearing to be so true, at least we used to have a stable government and people have a faith in it. Constitutional monarchy would have been a far better option for this country considering its geo-political situation and cultural richness. More over we are as we are because of them only. And it would have been a far more better option than current president system at least we would have not got these 10th and 12th fail politicians, who knows nothing other than corruption. They need an advisor to even understand what the GDP is. I here doesn't want to criticise anybody and I here doesn't mean skilful and knowledgeable are only 10th and 12 th pass out but what i mean is atleast they should have understanding of present day environment, it's needs and how it operates. There are many good leaders who are not that educated but have plenty of knowledge base that is sufficient to run a system. This is essential like for running a car we need electricity or petrol in the same way we need knowledge as a fuel to run a system.

 • Division of a country into states; Nepal is already a small country that follows uniform laws ,this type of division was never required, it was already divided into 5 development regions, 14zones and 75 districts which was sufficient for administration purpose. One can understand the meaning of nomenclature "states" and earlier "development regions", they are trying to bring a whole new laws and regulations into different states. We don't need it we are already small. Thank god they didn't bring in the proposed division of nation based on caste/religion.

 • Abolishing status of a Hindu Nation and declaration of a secular nation wasn't a good idea and it was against the people's will. People never consented on it. Had There  existed any casteism  it would have been eliminated by more stringent regulations or through people's conscience. Even the Muslim of  this country is demanding the Hindu nation and this is the beauty of this nation which was never known before. Every time people are left  unheard by these politician, they think they are rule makers but in fact it is us who make rules and they will get this thing into their mind sooner or latter.

 • Per head debt burden used to be around 6000 to 7000 NPR before (approx. 15 years then) but right now this stands at around 60000NPR . This means a newly born child carries a burden of 60000NPR over his head when born.

To put a veil, they are showing few development projects, but on the other hand they are not ready to acknowledge many things like:

Corruption has increased largely and the leaders at the top are  itself involved in it.
Money is borrowed, some part of it is used by themselves which we call it corruption, Balance part is used to develop projects where skilled and unskilled manpower is hired from outside of a country ( at least we can afford unskilled manpower even though we lack skilled ones).What i mean is a doctor is leaving patient right next to him and eager to treat a patient that is at far distant provided both being suffering from same disease. This means if we borrow NPR100 we got a little benefit out of it in the form of projects and most of that NPR100 goes outside of the country in the form of consultancy and other costs. That is, effectively we are getting a little benefit out of that NPR 100 and this must be considered for a poor country like Nepal. And this is the reason why we are adding so much burden on our head, there is no proper management of finance and we are at the peak of corruption.

If you ask me what is about internal financing? that is financing through the funds raised from taxes , then i would say it is insufficient to fill up the pockets of politicians and this is to some extent true. We have created so much complex system which was never required and never demanded by people. There is corruption from top to bottom. Had it sat its own system that suits it, It would have been far better for a small country with population around 3 Crores.

There is much unstable government going on. Nepalese will bow down their head with shame when one will find out how many times the government has changed in these years after abolishing the monarch.
This type of condition is more severe and harmful to a nation when it is in between two nations that counts in the super power of the world, the nation lying between act as a battle field and both try o spread their roots. And this is a usual phenomena and especially when both are in the race to become number 1. A neutral policy towards both the nation with more robust constitution of its own type that suits and a good capable political leader can only drive such country and in addition stable ,neutral government can act as a bond between two such neighbours but right now this isn't the case.

We used to be rich a decade and a half time back, We are forced to fall back in comparison to the rest of the world , mainly because of revolt which took away lives of more than 18000, it happened because of few peoples self desire and ill motive that involved crime, and this appear to be true at least by their current work actions. I always had a question in mind ! Wasn't it a crime? If not what about achievement of expectations that they have shown to the poor people. we have a history of being lenders, Many facilities were established and services were rendered and new tech was brought in and implemented in Nepal more sooner than many other Asian countries like hydro power projects, tunnel road system, telecom and many more but now we are borrowers. This all happened because of incapable system we have. People are dying of Corona (Covid-19) and are in urgent need of medical supplies and our politicians are in different mood, they are fighting for there chairs and they even are unable to handle their own party we can expect nothing from them, recently they have declared election dates due to their own internal disputes and this is absolutely shameful. At the time when funds are required to procure medical equipment's they are going to expense off in election rallies. Many bad news are coming up with many people dying of this pandemic and there is chaos. Are we learning from our mistakes? Do we need a prosperous life and sustainable development and Can our upcoming generation gonna rejoice, If we won't be able to create a sound and better future the upcoming generation is also going to suffer, they won't praise us like we praise our ancestors if we are not able to add any value or at least try to add , they may ask us if we don't rectify what we are doing.

Another question arise in mind; are we late?
Why not act today and bring that robust system and choose leaders that are ready to be accountable for their actions. We need to setup that standard that others thrive to achieve. This is the need of the hour for us and for our neighbours around. We are loosing our hard earned reputation achieved by our ancestors. I have an appeal to all  including so called politicians, understand this nation, It's geopolitical conditions, its culture and bring that system. Don't copy and paste and impose obligations for which we are not liable for, change this multi party system, bring that dual party system and a permanent institution that have the ability to protect the national interest of this nation. In the future you will be respected and praised by all. Give respect and take respect. We don't need psychopathic leaders, that turn coins for their own benefit.

Many anti-national agreements have been entered into and many  are subject of discussion. A needful rectification has to be made wherever required, we should not impress other at the expense of our sovereignty. If a country cannot stand on its own then it has to suffer either now or sometime in future, it's people has to suffer and Nepalese are suffering right now. 

Disclaimer: The opinions are of my own and is not intended to hurt anyone, its an appeal to concerned people to make arrangements for Covid-19 treatment rather than misusing funds on unnecessary activities that are not appropriate at this point of time when COVID is at it's peak. This is also an appeal to all Nepalese to take a note on actions and activities that the government and other politicians are  doing at this difficult time. Right to speak....

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