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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Info and Disclaimer

I have a belief that memories should be captured somewhere, our mind is not able to recall and present everything instantly. A written document placed at some place if presented in a proper way can help a lot in this matter.

I am sharing here publicly with a belief that this might in someway help my readers. And sharing these things here means i not only care for the people whom i know but also to people around me who are unknown to me. Sharing is Caring after all. Along with my personal views and opinions I have incorporated different news articles and market updates from different sources keeping in view the time constraint.

Ads on this blog are placed at the button of each post and at the end of side bar of this blog. clicking them helps me to collect less than a penny which ultimately will be spent for a good purpose however It's your choice to click on them based upon their usefulness. Moreover the primary objective of this blog is not monetary. Since all my posts may not be related to particular field it is advised to select the relevant categories for more relevant subjects/topics.

This blog can be best viewed on Desktop and Tablet PC since it is customized as such keeping in view the information to be served. I have tried to put my own images and tried to keep glow graphic content and also before putting any images herein i have carefully analysed the copyright issues but also if there exists something in violation Please do let me know with proof through contact form so that i can do needful.

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Disclaimer:The Live Market Data, News, Calendar and other stuffs except my posts to the best of my knowledge are from authentic and publicly available sources and the market prices shown are not updated by me rather they get automatically updated as and when provider updates. So I will not be liable for the accuracy and authenticity of the data provided and it is the responsibility of the reader to perform proper due diligence before making investment decisions. However as far as practicable and to my best knowledge and experience I have tried to provide information from sources which i think are reliable and publicly available such as: rediff, tradingview, CNN ,Reuters Aajtak, Online Khabar, BBC etc.

Hope you will not use any offensive language in the comments section and hope for your feedback.

Thanks and Regards