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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Sunday 30 May 2021


Life has become so complicated these days, and we have the greatest contribution in making life this much awful. Most people around us only talk about money and money, they are so much concerned about their future financial status and it is not bad to be concerned about but the thing is why we are so serious about it? 
I recently watched an interview of a man who belong to a "raute" community, an understandable explanation for this word could be, these people never stay at a place , they are like nomads, they are out of reach of mobiles, even most of them don't know what the mobile is; the interviewer asked him why do they live like this, his reply was " like you people love to own car, love to ride bike, we love to travel around, above us our roof is a sky and we have got a soil to sleep on as floor, we are satisfied on what we are doing". 
What i mean to say is , attachment with money is going to take us nowhere, we are never going to be satisfied. For being happy we have to learn to live on what we have. We have 5 senses and they are gathering information every time if we don't have control over them they will demand more and more and our desires are never going to end. Instead of creating a peaceful environment we are creating a suffocating environment.I feel like we are losing our ethical human behaviours and are slowly forgetting essence of life. Without knowing what our soul needs we are procuring things  that are immaterial to us, at least at the end it is decided.
We need finance but we should also acknowledge, it being not only the thing that is going to make us happy, we should not run for it at the expense of more essential things. Being human there are many things that need to be felt,that need to be experienced and we can live meaningful life and experience all those if and only if we know ourselves ,our system, our senses, this air, this soil, the water and other constituents of surrounding environment. We are moving like a horse wearing blinkers with only motive of earning money.

Earn, take what is needed and donate excess to needy ones. Life has value money don't. 

Disclaimer:This is absolutely an opinion, and it changes according to situation,and differs from person to person but one should be happy on his doing. Ask yourself if you are happy? 

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