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Tuesday 11 May 2021



  • Digital currency secured by cryptography (Cryptography is a techniques or protocols to hide information from the Public about data blocks)
  • First decentralised crypto currency is Bitcoin which is also considered as digital gold.
  • Many cryptocurrencies are based on decentralized blockchain technology. (decentralized system means there is a distribution of control, i.e there is no single central control system like there is central bank for monetary control unlike decentralized system)
  • Like in bitcoin, transactions are verified by network nodes(nodes means every computer system in the network that is saving the database i.e blockchain)  through cryptography and recorded in a publically distributed ledger called a blockchain. (blockchain consists of two terms block= data and chain=linkage that binds data blocks together)


  • At highest risk it gives highest return
  • No geographical barriers and foreign exchange risks.
  • No third party is involved in between transactions and are secured by public andprivate keys.
  • It's difficult for hacker to hack the blockchain and alter or edit it because hacking single block will diassociate that block since each block is linked to another block by a chain and would be useless since it will be known to other blockchain and if it really needs to hack it has to hack atleast 51% of the copies of the blockchain and which is almost right now seems impossible since it will require tremendous amount of money and resources. (more clarification required)
  • There have been many instances where Cryptos are used for payment of illegal transactions especially transactions that are happening in the darkweb, which are related to drug trafficking, illegal weapons and many more.
  • It was initially seen as the biggest threat to the existing financial and legal system.
  • There are different form of cryptocurrenies with varied level of securities some are completely untraceable and some through thoroughly investigation can be traced and such untraceable crypto are  challenging current regulations.
This new form of currency which physically donot exist has many cons and pros and gradually capturing market. The leaglity has been a greatest issue and has been challenged in many countries. Many has adopted it and many have rejected it citing the security concerns and impact in current existing financial system. Moreover it has been observed that many cryptos has been created as bubble and has failed and fallen. So one must study before investing the background of that particular crypto.
I would not suggest anyone to completely invest only in crypto, however a certain excess fund can be invested because this is a tech driven currency and tech can take any shape and nobody knows. 

(Note: This is my own brief view and little known facts about crypto , I haven't yet invested in crypto, Nothing herein contained is intended to influence anyone to invest or not to invest)

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