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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Wednesday 1 April 2020

Love and attachment

During these Corona Virus days, I am much concerned about the health of people I know. So made a new account on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media so that I can get updates on their health, thinking that if they need any emotional and mental support. 
Every time I used to talk about my friends and every time wishing them to remain Healthy. One of my friends concerned about my mental state suggested not to be worried and he asked one question which pinched and poked me" Whether they too are concerned about you? Whether they too have telephoned or messaged you". That question made me realize that too much of my attachment towards them is making me ill, especially because they don't care. 
Then I did a little observation on my own flatmate. whenever my parents called me they had always asked if my flatmate is fine i.e whether he is in good health or like. On the other side, his parents never asked about me. That made me realize that these are the inherited characteristics that can never be corrected. 
My conclusion from this is one should be concerned about their friends, it's a good thing but never get too closely attached. Care about yourself first.
I find somewhere on the Internet a Very good satisfying example that differences love and attachment which is as below:
suppose you are passing through a poor village and your eyes fell on an old man. Now you were moved by his present situation and decided to help him. You gave him food and water to drink. And you felt good after that. Then you moved to another village and forgot that you helped someone. This, my friend, is known as living in the present moment. Your love enabled you to help him but you were not attached? attachment creates misery while love creates bonding and harmony moreover one should live in the present just get away from things that are making you unhealthy especially psychologically.
There is a difference between love and just being attached. Being in love is opening your heart and soul to another in a way that surpasses all other forms of attachment. While attachment is the fear of being alone, love is the freedom to be all you can be. Attachment requires that you be in a relationship in order to function. You cannot handle the loneliness. Love is quite different. It brings out the very best in you.
Love everyone but never get attached. It brings pain and misery. Simply whenever you are in the attachment you don't have to be much concerned about,  be yourself and you don't have to be worried about. Let it go. Love is a godly word and action which is pretty much difficult to find. As humans, love is part of our needs. We need love. And if we deprive ourselves of love, who knows what’ll happen. The thing is, love is not demanding, not desperate and less self-centered — it’s where you feel the need to protect and love regardless of whatever it is. When you love somebody you always take care of them every time and every time you are concerned about them, there exists an invisible bond that doesn't need to be expressed, it can be felt. As time passes everything (person or object) to whom you have an attachment fades away but if you love them the bond remains forever.
Note: Correct me if you don't agree or if you want to add something.

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