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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Wednesday 1 April 2020

A balanced Lifestyle

I have summarised a few things that I believe one should adopt. These things need to be observed by people in his life for his own development, as well as for the welfare of his society.

  1. We human beings are gifted with some distinguishing characteristics which no other creature possesses. To explore and find out that potential we need to understand ourselves first. With a balanced mental state and control over ourselves, we should find out such unlimited possibilities. Let a man lift himself by himself. Let him not degrade himself. Certainly self is a friend to the self and self is also the enemy of the self. The self-conquered peaceful person is but the Supreme Self. For him, cold or heat, happiness or sorrow, respect or disrespect are the same.
  2. it is vital to have control over one’s senses and the mind. Only such control over the mind and actions can enable one to decide what is right and what is wrong and act accordingly. He who is fully satisfied with knowledge and wisdom, who is mentally stable and is master of his senses, and who regards gold or rubbish or a piece of stone as the same, such a self-realized soul is fit and is the person who has explored everything within and who is aware of everything that exists in this universe. Self-realization, enlightenment is the hardest thing to achieve. The one who achieves is something else.
  3. We are born with some debt that needs to be settled. The five different debts are a debt to the Gods for their blessings, debt to parents and teachers, debt to guests, debt to other human beings, and debt to all other living beings. 
  4. One must stay within the bounds of dharma while pursuing this wealth and prosperity (i.e. one must not step outside moral and ethical grounds in order to do so). 
  5. We all have got Indriyas which are simply a medium through which we connect with something. Through the interactions of the Indriyas with the external objects, the mind develops an attraction and then attachment to those objects. A desire arises in the mind to possess and derive pleasure from those objects. This desire will slowly lead to addiction and madness towards various objects, which will turn a person completely materialistic. He would be always running from one object to another in order to derive pleasure from possessing them. Ultimately, his madness would become so extreme that he would not even care about his family and friends. His desire will make him blind and he will opt for unrighteousness means to obtain his objects. He may cheat, steal, maim or kill as well. This simply means that we should not be addicted to things because this will bring sorrow and discomfort in your life. ( In Gita, Lord Krishna says "IN THE CASE OF A PERSON WHO DWELLS ON OBJECTS, THERE ARISES ATTACHMENT FOR THEM. FROM ATTACHMENT GROWS DESIRE, FROM DESIRE SPRINGS ANGER. FROM ANGER FOLLOWS DELUSION; FROM DELUSION, FAILURE OF MEMORY; FROM FAILURE OF MEMORY, THE LOSS OF INTELLECT; FROM THE LOSS OF INTELLECT, HE PERISHES.")
  6. You should not torture or forcefully control yourself rather be aware of things, you need to understand things. One needs to have an understanding of what is temporary and what is permanent. A simple example can be, some students during their exam time read the text multiple times to grasp the content for exams and some go thoroughly and understand things. If later on, somebody asks questions on the topic they had studied, the one that has the proper understanding of the subject matter will answer you correctly and you yourself can also find that answer satisfying. Here both have studied the same thing but one has better connectivity to what he had studied and the other doesn't. So a person that has a better understanding can pull things more accurately than others.
  7. I know the thing which I am going to tell you is much harder nowadays because we have completely changed our mind, we are going forward but we don't know the correct direction. The thing is to maintain the same attitude towards your well-wishers, friends, enemies, non-aligned, arbitrators, haters, relations, saints and sinners. If you can then others will find you superior and you will be in a balanced state.
Disclaimer: I have expressed my personal views with some references from Bhagavad Gita(upto my understanding),newsgram.com, etc. I have tried not to use any offensive language or language which leads to offensive meaning but If you find anything abusive or otherwise report to me through the contact form, I will make needful corrections. Excuse me for any grammatical errors.

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