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Saturday 28 March 2020

10 devastating things that communist and other political parties of Nepal Did.

Few points that concern anybody interested. Rich in many aspects but still poor in utilizing them.
  1. First and foremost they are not in the same line of thinking as that of communist. And  Nepal doesn't have the necessity of that right now, I guess.
  2. Destruction of Culture that Nepalese preserved for a long time. People and the King have always maintained the balance between nature and development.
  3. A wrong message that one can enter into politics after committing too much crime, The communist of today has committed number of grave crimes. And they are in today's politics after doing so. They have forcibly used Poor and innocent People as a Weapon which is again a crime 
  4. Strangulated the people's expectation, because they are unable to stand with their motto.
  5. A negative rate of development, This is in the sense that, had they not been there Nepal could have been listed in the list of developed countries.
  6. Destruction of already existing infrastructures that were boon to the nation's economy.
  7. They tried to strangulate the people's freedom of speech by bringing multiple amendments and bills but insofar these do not seem to be successful because of awareness among people.
  8. Increased Corruption and lack of leadership with a corrupt system.
  9. Before declaring the republic of Nepal the country has followed the path suggested by King Prithi Narayan Bir Bikram Shaha Dev and was moving in the rightful direction.
  10. Disrespect of the Shaha Dynasty who has formed this great nation.there is not even  ceremonial Monarchy which is the saddest part. and many more....
Disclaimer: This article is not to disrespect the Nation's dignity and prestige. This is purely in line and focused on the current leaders because the nation has tremendous potential even if it is landlocked.

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