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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Wednesday 1 April 2020

Dynamic and multi dimensional Life

Life isn't easy as we imagine, it will show it's faces when you start moving forward. It's like smoothly and steadily flowing water which is silent at some part but as you move forward it will show it's different faces. The thing is you shouldn't stop moving. It makes no sense of staying at a place where you have started because you won't see that other face of the river. The sensible way to move forward is not to be barefooted and one should carry tools with him so that he can cross those rivers in an easy way and the day when you will learn using these tools you will feel life is easier than the way it seems. Until and unless you develop such tools and skills you have to fall and fall time and again but the great thing is you will learn from every fall. The important thing is to have faith, that such fall won't be your last fall.
Living a Hundred years without experiencing nothing in life is not called living a life, one should live life to its fullest. But while experiencing things one must take care of the surrounding environment, one wrong step can end up your streak of experiencing more.
The thing that is appropriate today may not be appropriate tomorrow, things keep changing, so does we. But our ultimate destination is one i.e death. The only difference is some people live even after death and some people completely get vanished with nothing of them left behind. It is an individual who decides what to choose. Do you know what is the greatest mistake we humans make? It is we don't care about time. We just observe that smoothingly moving river and spend our entire life on that particular portion, We never took the risk to look at other parts of it. 
Initially, it's very difficult to implement what I am saying in real life but once you understand the reality you will start loving it and everything around it.
We read success stories of many but we never try to look that part of the story which has made them such, I mean those turmoils. We should learn to enjoy every part of our life. Everything is linked with something, the day we understand those links and the day we start working on them we will get something special out of it which will enlighten us and we will start seeing the rightful path which will be much easier but still enjoyable.
So cherish every moment that is happening in your life because it will lead to another wave and these waves will continue. Don't get tired because that's not your objective......

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