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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Saturday 13 July 2019

Life, Nature, God And Veganism/vegetarianism

Have you Ever thought why do living beings Die when they suffer from loss of Blood, It is same like Fuel that we use to ignite Engines of Machines. Our Body Physiology and the Natural processes that are running in our environment are very much Similar. Moreover any successful inventions in whatever field it is , is very closely linked with process that happens inside our body. 
Any Invention cannot be bigger if it is not linked to the natural processes existing in our surrounding, Moreover Inventions are inspired from natural processes only. I read somewhere in Bloomberg "14 Smart Inventions Inspired By Nature" I really liked that article.  The Greatest Inventions are the result of Depth study of some Reference and that reference is the natural process existing among living and non living things existing in our surroundings. No Evolution and invention is greater than the Life's evolution for more than 3 billions years by natural selection. We are still surviving and have such a developed mind and other physical components , I might be wrong for the use of word developed. This simply means we human beings are best of the kind.

We as a human why  should we be compassionate ?

Nobody knows what our human race will look like at some future date, In my opinion there are less chances that we humans will be in the same form as we are existing today. It has been rightly said in many religious books, the soul remains immortal. It may enter into any form. Like for example we have computer software which can be carried on any system. hardware will have no physical existence after certain time, but that software remains forever unless Its creator manipulates it.
It will be just a hypothesis if i provide an unnatural example like computer hardware and Software, but i have already said every great invention is closely linked with natural process. Inventions are inspired from natural processes but reverse is not true.So who is the creator of such Software ,we humans isn't it? What about our creator? So here i would like to mention God , Nobody has seen our creator, different persons have different beliefs and they follow different scriptures, Every holy book  followed by whatever religion is very well written, there is valid reason behind everything written therein. As far as i have read there is mention of compassion among living beings in these scriptures, Isn't it? There it has been mentioned One has to show compassion for another living being which is in pain.  So compassion, Love of one living being for another living being is very essential if we want to exist in this form for a little bit longer time. Otherwise our creator( whether you call it God or your environment itself)  is compelled to manipulate us because we are doing something for which we have not been created.

Disclaimer: this is my personal belief and opinion, I have not filtered and reviewed what i have written. Many may not be able to link what i am trying to express. This may be because of my lack of writing skills and because of not reviewing. Every person has their own beliefs. I somewhere had mentioned Evolution and God which might seem to be contradictory to some readers. This article is just to know the readers opinion about Compassion, Love and going Green.

"Quote:You Don't have to burn Books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them-by ray Bradbury"

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