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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

Thank you for visiting My Blog

Tuesday 9 July 2019


Let me Begin with a short Story, A real Life event, I have seen and read 
These are the words the boy has written to free up and relieve his mind and at around 2 AM midnight of 16th March 2019 which tells through how harsh situations he has gone during his childhood. He is of the view that one should not remember Past but whenever one walks into the wrong direction ignoring his objective it is his past which act like a "guru" and provides the motivation, if taken in a right way. It goes Like this:
" It was like i had been treated like an animal by my step mom. Polygamy used to be a very common problem in Asian countries and by these type of activities children are hugely affected. My father take away me  at the age of 7 from my mom and I used to live with my father and step mom. Lived with her for almost 12 years and my life was like a Slave. Even i tried many failed suicide attempts by strangulating since it wasn't easy ,after 20 sec or less of strangulating  one will realise on this own (But i should have preferred Fan instead ðŸ˜‚). My Father  some how is  a good person ,he purchased a house in urban and my mom got shifted from hill station. I used to wake up at 4 and start cooking at 5 for whole family (step mom, step bro  ,  sis, father ) . That means i had a time of that 1 hour in between. In that one hour i used to meet my mom which is living some other place in the same town where i was living( I was living with my step mom and Father) . Now the question arises how? In the name of jogging i used to run almost 5 km each side to get upto my mom, and literally she is such a beautiful  , she always gave  some eatables to me, hugs me and used to cry. some times i got late because i stay there for more than  4-5 minutes ,in such scenario either i had to take bus if i had money or has to bear that punishment from my steppi. Out of 24 hours i got sleep time of 6 hours , i think which is less for a child and 6 hour for school .  And it will not be easy for me to explain rest of the hours as you can imagine from 2 early hours as i explained above. The best part of me was , even after getting such a torture i used to score good marks in exams, i was good at maths, i had that inbuilt feature. I want to share one another incident,  In the name of Kheer, she used to give rice with added water instead of milk, the sad part is i cannot complain to Father,i was literally like a Slave for her. 

The good part is i had learnt many things from that , i must be thankful to my step mom. Especially i must be thankful to her for these dreadful dreams, it allows me to wake up at 2 and which is good for exam preparation ðŸ˜‚. Every thing happens for a reason.☺❤  . Right now I have the greatest Value in my Family cuz right now i have achieved those milestone which she had never imagined. So  I believe whether God exists or Not but some Power is there which is observing and experimenting on us. "

Great Job, It is you who define the difference between an obstacle and the opportunity, there is not much difference. Just search it you will get it. Keep that motivation , keep that spirit inside you , you will get success. 

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