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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Friday 19 July 2019

MOM "Aama"

At the age around 27, when so called husband left behind his wife along with 4 children, and with no such financial help or a financial help which is not even sufficient for a single member of a family, and that lady continues her survival with no such other thought than growing up her children. It specially becomes more tough to survive if that lady is uneducated with no support from anywhere in whatever form i.e neither financially nor morally or psychologically. Even today at the age of 54 she is as she was, alone without her second half, if anyone asks her why she is living she have only one answer that is " for the sake of her children".If you think why she had not left behind everything and marry another guy, the main reason was she don't want to make her children grow like an Orphan. One should salute such mom, and should serve her . I know to payback what she did is impossible but what she deserves should be served for the rest of his life at least. 

Life isn't tough unless you make it tough, one should search for the reason to live for which he/she strongly believes.If one go through that straight path it becomes slightly less hectic and easy. That lady has survived with such a pain for such a long time only because she was hoping that days will turn in her favor when her children grows up. Now what if those children forget their responsibility for their mother and cannot feel that pain she has gone throw.? and this isn't a hypothetical situation, this is actually happening around, specially in rural and remote areas. So be responsible, spread love and your mother gave u birth because there is some special reason. Just feel it and go ahead. The Mother has always occupied a special place in my heart because she is such a beautiful creation of God. So be responsible, spread love, you are the special creation of your beautiful Momma and go ahead achieve her expectations. Just feel the Pain through which Momma has gone through. 

Disclaimer: everything about written is based on my personal experience and observations. The above is not intended to hurt anyone's sentiment.

"Love is the ultimate weapon for peace and sustainability, anything that goes without it will bring Ultimate Destruction , especially of mankind"

"Quote:Mother is ready to sacrifice everything  in consideration of Love, disrespecting which will have severe consequences because ultimate judgement is in the hands of God."

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