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Tuesday 7 January 2020

Why one should not enter into War ( Iran and America)

Everywhere there is a debate going on about world war III because of the escalated tension between Iran and the United States of America. There will be very devastating results and this is not the age of bullets and other small equipment as were used in the previous world war. Both being the nuclear-powered nation's entire Human and other living beings life is at stake. If we are developed because we want war after the development of advanced weapons than this development will lead to nowhere than destruction. On the one hand, we are trying to set up a life on Mars and on the other we are towards the destruction of our own race. Is this called a development? One can just look over the rough stats of destruction caused by the previous world wars. If the ultimate use of high tech weaponry is destruction then there is no good reason to develop new technologies. 
Some stats from Wikipedia(https://en.wikipedia.org/) during previous world Wars:

World War I

Around 3-4% of the world's human population vanished on each of those wars, and there is unaccounted destruction of other innocent Living Beings but this time this will not be the case if more countries got involved, it will be massive. If destruction is the only thing that we are ultimately supposed to do then is there any difference between these countries and to whom these call terrorists?  I think there isn't. 

Once a war starts,  it is a very natural phenomenon it won't stop at once, it will continue for years and who knows up to when impact remains.

Our ultimate purpose should be to stay peacefully on this planet and keep this very beautiful planet out of War so that our future generation too can enjoy the way we are enjoying or in a better way. We should transform ourselves not from tomorrow but from today.  For a  good change there are alternative ways as well, only war should not be considered as an ultimate means. This planet doesn't only belong to Human beings but also to other living beings which at least has not played any role to date in polluting this environment.

I am quite surprised how news media is publishing news possibility of third world war across the globe, they are comparing the strength of nations in terms of the military capacities. I hope instead of publishing such news they publish information on the consequences of war. We are the brink of destruction, Hope nothing bad happens in the soil of this Planet because this has no more capacity to absorb another devastating war. And wish both the countries resolve disputes peacefully.

World War II (source:wikipedia)

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