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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Friday 13 December 2019

Success and Failure

Sometimes it's good to leave what you think you can't achieve.

Life is full of opportunities you never know what is next for you.  The thing is what you get next really matters because once you accept what you get next, you have to make it yours. You have to apply all your highest morals and efforts to keep it the way you wanted, If you are unable to make it that way then don't worry there is next opportunity waiting for you. The only problem is, you never know where that next thing standing there takes you. 
It's very important in life to make the right choice and right decision because you are going to spend much of your resources on that choice. Sometimes you spend much of your resources on that wrong decision and when you realize it and try to move on next thing you will lag because you are not left with that resource"time"

So what is important?
Like it has been said that a right and the healthy plant will grow if there is the proper seed, secondly and more important than the 1st one I believe is right planning(i.e type of nutrients required for that grown plant), Here right nutrients I mean many things along with what it actually means. That right nutrient is like having a bow and arrow in hand. And those number of arrows are like opportunities but success is there only if you have one objective with proper vision. and moreover, you have to clearly look over(inspect) those arrows before you fire otherwise you might miss the target also it might bring harm to things around.

Are you too late?
No, you are not because after so much of failure you have learned something special that others don't, that additional skill helps you hit that target in one straight shot. It's better to give a try than not. Don't leave it for the end, there will be so much of pending activities and will confuse you and you can do nothing.

What the youngsters lacking including myself?
We are lacking: Dedication, Punctuality, discipline and all other things which we are taught in our childhood. We seriously need to address all these things. All people cannot address these problems timely. The one who can are called successful and those who can't are called failures and this is fact. In my opinion, Our success is the measure of all these essential qualities.

What's Stopping you?
The very best answer would be you yourself. It is you who is not making efforts, If you make efforts your well-wishers will obviously help you. At first,  initiate, everything will be placed on the way what you will be required is to arrange that in a proper way with some value addition of yours in it.

So Let's Begin, and Don't Stop. Let the time decide when to stop .................

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