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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Thursday 11 April 2019

Save Humanity

Have you seen and observed someone who even can't afford a lunch costing INR. 40.
Today I get to know how harsh life some people are living, you should be happy for what you have got.
Today morning, as usual I was having my lunch at a vegetarian restaurant in New Delhi, laxmi Nagar. There are very few Pure Vegetarian Restaurant who serves less spicy veg meal, So i usualy visit this restaurant to have my meal. Another Special feature of this restaurant is, it is too cheap. you can get a full fledged vegetarian Thalli@Inr.40 only.
So the Incident goes like this,
Along with me there was a person sitting next to me who too was having his lunch at that same restaurant, he looks very thin with some unusual appearance, i never saw this guy before at that same restaurant. After a Few minutes the owner(cook) came to ask if he(Rohit, name changed) needs bread, he refused with polite voice" No, thank you" and suddenly tears pop out of this eyes. I was observing all that thing. I cannot resist myself and asked  him if he had any problem. He genuinely replied, "Sir,this is the life that i live, I even don't have money to ask for one another bread". I asked him what he do for living, he replied" he is a risksha driver, he drives ricksha in daylight and spend nights in roadside footpath", which he indicated to be his home in Delhi. He has two small children and a wife at home in village. He sometimes even don't earn a rupee in a day. Then I called that cook and ask if he could serve few breads to him, he(Rohit) was so genuine and self reliant that he initially refused to have it, later on i convinced him. It was really a heart touching emotional incident that had happened with me today( 11/04/2019). Instagram Users or any social media users you are so lucky you are living a great life. There are many People who even can't afford a bottle of water or a piece of Bread, some can afford but then that is for their whole day. The above incident in one way made me so sad on the other way it really inspired me for something that i should do for these poor people. There are thousands of Incidents that are happening around us, why we hesitate to do something for them, If not just support them morally.

Even between we human beings their is so much discrimination on every level. One is riding Mercedes and other is striving for a piece of bread. My question is, should these small things be left unchecked?
These small minute things that are persistent in our present day society  interlink with each other to form and create  a huge chunk of problems for future , these have the potential to change the direction in which humans are supposed to move. even we are not helping our own race, how one can think and expect love, care and support for other living beings from us,  totally a hopeless situation is there this will even grow and will be severe someday if the current problems in the society are left unchecked because as i have mentioned earlier , these will create a cloud which ultimately has to fall upon us.
These boundaries be it political, social or other has made us so rigid and greed has reached to the level which one can't imagine. These things can be observed if you carefully focus on every aspect of human beings.I hope these things not to be the reason of Human Destruction someday.

Please be sensible and accountable to the nature. Bring out that human thing from inside you. We have it but have converted it like a vestigial organ by not using it.

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