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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Thursday 26 October 2017

Get inspired

I have started living as if tomorrow is my last day and for tomorrow i have to prepare today, and for that I (my soul) teach my mind. It feels as if i have  got a very short time to get prepared for tomorrow. It really motivates me. This tomorrow will be very crucial for me , what i will left behind for others is totally dependent on this tomorrow. Living for self is no living , living for others is living and u will be said living if you r truely living. Don't get it? Hope you get it.
 Lets make it more short And what if i aim for today instead of tomorrow. Trust me that means u are unstoppable.
Actually you are unstoppable ,just think a second why you aren't , the moment you start thinking you will realize actually you are.

(Please comment about how one should regulate this god gifted machine. Inspire others it will inspire you more. )

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