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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Wednesday 2 June 2021

A woman and a disease Rape

I feel so difficult to begin with, because i have to define woman and any definition falls less to define woman. Let me start with some Sanskrit shlokas:

राष्ट्रस्य श्व: नारी अस्ति :woman is our tomorrow

नारी माता अस्ति नारी कन्या अस्ति नारी भगिनी अस्ति: woman is mother woman is daughter woman is sister woman is everything.

नारी अस्य समाजस्य कुशलवास्तुकारा अस्ति : woman is the perfect architect of the society.

नारी राष्ट्रस्य अक्शि अस्ति : woman is the eye of the nation.

जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गात् अपि गरीयसी :mother and motherland is greater than heaven.

यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता: where women are worshipped there the Gods rejoice.

The very simple thing is you as a human exist only because of her and it's not us who can define what a woman is , she is defining herself by her role in our society.

Even in this kalyuga if you search for something that truly defines what the love is? It's a woman who give justice to that word.
It is she who bears most extreme physical pain during child birth and most extreme emotional pain out of love.
This isn't a biased opinion, rather this is a truth and everybody around knows it.

Then Why rape?
A disease that has engulfed life of many, A heinous crime that has portrayed a very negative image of a man.
Recent crimes like "Nirbhaya case", "hatras case", "nirmala case" and many other cases happening all around world has put a question mark on existence of humanity. And truly speaking humanity is almost at the verge of death. This appears to be true from the recent events. Students are not getting and accepting what has been written in text rather they are doing what is rejoicing them and they are rejoicing on things that are unsocial , that are against humanity. Not only that even our judiciary system has not learnt much from these incidents, the repetitive crimes can be taken as a proof of it.

So what needs to be done?
What we are taught in schools is to be brought into our behaviour as well. If roots are strong plant grows well and it serves what it should.So work has to be done on grass root level.
Like a computer to run smoothly and in the manner it is intended to, a proper software needs to be put in place and time and again an antivirus s/w scans it.
In the same way our physical body is complete when we inhibit things that are acceptable to society and that are not inhumane, for example good manners , good morale and likewise and apart from all these like a computer antivirus there needs to be a proper judicial system that put checks so that everything is in order because it is not only that woman are suffering in some cases though rare man are also suffering.

Disclaimer: This is a very sensitive matter and i intend to hurt sentiments of nobody, the sole purpose of the text is to respect each other and bring back humanity and live as humans.

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