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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Tuesday 5 May 2020

Corona/Covid-19 Pandemic and my learnings

              Image Source:https://www.who.int/

These days of Pandemic and I am a mere spectator, the work I am doing right now is Surfing the internet, viewing the data relating to a number of deaths. I feel so sorry, wish I could do something for the deceased and their loved ones. This situation right now has developed so much respect for medical staff and researchers who are there in the field for a fight against Corona. I wish I too had chosen the medical field and have knowledge of Virology and served the people.
There are still countries(Developing and underdeveloped) which are under extreme threat of this Virus. I am happy that situations like in some of the developed countries say the US, France, Italy, UK Germany have not yet emerged in these countries. One can imagine, even after having such a robust system, medical facility and that in itself houses a number of advanced research sites, they are unable to contain the spread of Virus, what would happen if it spreads over less developed or underdeveloped regions especially situated in Africa and South Asia. These countries are even not able to afford basic safety equipment on their own. The countries in these regions are mostly dependent on almost every aspect of living in other nations.  I am not writing this to make them low, but the situation right now is frightening human existence and I am much concerned about them. I wish these countries going forward to be self-dependent. It is because in these types of situations the real problems appear,  especially when it is pandemic and every country is busy in healing their own wounds so that they can return to normalcy, there is no one to oversee these countries.

If we deeply dig inside the consequences of this pandemic we will observe many learnings out of it which can be used for human betterment in the future. Few things that I personally have a say because of this pandemic are:
  • Humans should never destroy the environment, there is a bigger home of our beyond what we have temporarily built up. But we need to see it and save it. If not nature will defend itself and the consequences are severe.
  • Every nation should Invest in its Health and Medical system.
  • Every nation should be Independent of others at least in the fulfillment of basic needs. One will realize this aspect under the pandemic type of situation. The money is of no use when there is no food to buy.
  • Even in these dreadful and griefful days, we are hearing of an increase in crime rates including many unacceptable heinous crimes like rape, murder, etc. We need cleansing of these types of people from our human society and this can be done through a robust education and awareness system and strict regulations for such crimes. Education should be such, that it fills people's minds with positivity, Love, and Affection.
  • it is evident that most of the viruses to date that infected humans came from other animals that people consume in the form of meat. So why can't we stop eating meat? I believe It will even enhance our compassion level for other living beings.
  • It is in the news that hole created due to CFCs gases is recovering at a rate which would never have possible if the countries have not gone under complete lockdown. So we should think about the factors that were depleting the ozone layer.
  • Many countries are saddened by the economic loss, this to some extent means they are not happy with nature being healing. We need to be serious about and economic and environmental balance.
  • No one knows when this pandemic is going to end but one thing is made clear by this pandemic that we are only tenants, the owner is someone else, we need to follow the implied rules and regulations in order to live for the rental period, If not, we have to face consequences. Think over and above your own benefits.

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