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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Saturday 21 March 2020

Why is bad happening around Us?

Thought ever why these things are happening?

You believe it or not everything happening around us is result of our own actions. At this time to say this isn't be appropriate but we need to admit this. Corona is spreading and spreading, everyone is frightened of this pandemic right now. For the sake of Humanity stay tight and keep united.

From every possible angle we are polluting our environment, Be it Religion, terror, Industrialization, etc. We are at a brink where we have really forgotten who we are and what is our purpose. People wish they may be alive for 1000 years but if this would have happened we would have vanished the whole world or at least we had made this world such a terrible place to live in. We must be thankful to our creator, who had not addressed what we had wished.

At a certain point of time in the future nothing is going to work. No one is going to save us , be it God or whatever we call it because at that time we would have already crossed our limits.
We call ourselves great innovators of this generation but in the actual sense, we are the destroyer of this beautifully created nature. We have created new technology, a new way of living but we never know how to use it and how to live in a better way using it. We have almost forgotten our natural way of living. to meet our demand we are developing new plants and animals by altering the basic elements within it. These can produce more for us which may help to meet our demand but are we sure these are as healthy as they were naturally available.

We are experimenting on things what already is best suited for us. The naturally available things are not the result of a day or two, These are the results of millions of years of continuous natural processes. We and the current environment exist together because we and this environment is the best match. What is best for us has already been decided but we knowingly or unknowingly are destroying it. This has resulted in a disbalance in the eco-system and we are destroying our complimentary partner nature. Remember that if we do not curb our actions these best things will bring worst for us. We cannot punish anyone every time, sometimes it will bear but if you start punishing it every time it will not. It will retaliate/counter.

We human consider ourself most intelligent among all living plants and animals, this is what we call but actually, we are not, at least our action doesn't prove it to be. We are destroying and harming the very best thing created by our nature mother, from animal killing to cutting trees, polluting the air to polluting land. From every direction, we are making discomfort to our environment.

The worst is coming if we don't abstain. Remember that we will be left with no options, we will pray but there will be no one to listen. So save nature, save yourself and your own race by taking care of things around you. Be generous as our nature and take care of everything around you whether it be living or non- living.

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