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Sunday 8 September 2019

How Addiction is taking you away

How addiction is taking your abilities away from you:

Everything about addiction herein mentioned is based on real life experience of different people(name not mentioned) and the result of observation in the surrounding environment

Let me more lean towards adult content. These days adult movies are growing with a huge magnitude and this can be proven by the fact that one of the most searched word in Google is Porn. Out of 10 Most popular sites that carry huge traffic three fall under adult category. This is a fact, you can search online about this. This is simply like out of 10 people three are taking drugs. As the internet traffic is increasing day by day so is the increase in adult content on the internet. This is only searchable data and there may be huge data behind the veil, what i mean is in the dark web. It is believed that much traffic is there even more than  what we are seeing in google, yahoo, Bing etc.

Whatever is that thing , the main concern and question is whether it is beneficial to humans and as a whole society? It actually becomes too tough to answer when someone puts a question mark. After Facebook, youtube, Google, Gmail and hot mail there are almost back to back three adult sites that carries the highest traffic, I was literally shocked when i get to know this fact. I don't know but It may be okay to have such sites but at the position of top 10 , are you crazy. Isn't there other more important sites like wikipedia, Investopedia, Quora and many more which at least fill up your mind which is really important in your life. After knowing that statistics it is like are we really trying to live in a virtual world where we have to do nothing but surrounded by fantasies. Are we meant to be for that purpose. Let me explain one real life example of what the above mentioned thing is doing to the brains of People.

One of my friend ABCD used to watch the adult content from very early age , he was good at school from studies to extra curricular activities, as he grows up his appetite toward such content also started growing. when he was at college his performance significantly deteriorated. He started taking medicines for depression. He used to return to his original state of depressed mind whenever he skip taking medicines. He later on disclosed his real problem with few of my friends including me. The simple conclusion from his wordings is like this:

  • He Started to watch such content at a very early age.
  • Later on he become addicted of it, he used to spent lot of time in it.
  • After getting over it he has developed a habit of overthinking, which i think is again a problem when you are going  through  phase like he was going.
  • He was trying to get a degree from college which in itself was a very tough task, for passing the exams you have to continuously study at least 10 hours a day for that degree. Because he was not giving adequate time to his studies he failed so many times. This increased the family and other social pressure in him, which in turn took him to the depressed stage.
  • instead of being social he was moving away from the society in which he is living.
  • Now after so much struggle and after so much mental relief exercises (after our and doctors prescription) he is little bit in a stable state.
  • But even today when we look over that earlier ABCD we find a different ABCD .
  • You got addicted too quickly but when you want to recover it took a lot of effort, dedication and will power of you. And this is not possible for everybody, in most cases people give up in the middle of there recovery and they like to live in that  addicted situation. Actually they start enjoying it and they never get to know how much harm that addiction is bringing within them. And this thing is true for every type of Addiction, Just look around you, you will find many examples.
In my opinion , people should do things what is accepted by society, he should be bound by some rules because this helps to maintain social order and discipline. You can't even believe, three Mp's  were caught watching porn during session in state parliament, just google it you will get full details from worlds most popular newspapers. This addiction is taking humans in a different directions, The one that doesn't respect and value time is going nowhere other than that virtual world. The main thing is you forgot your responsibility and you are rejected by society that in-turn take you to the state where you never wished to go.

So Finally what is the solution to stay away from these kinds of addictions? The main solution i would say is value time and keep yourself busy in some purposeful and productive task that is acceptable by society at large keeping your responsibility intact with it. When you work on things that are passionate you will enjoying doing them and you will develop skills which will help you a lot in real world and in your practical life.Too much is too much sometimes and end results of addiction are too fatal. For your mental and physical health i will suggest everyone to stay away from bad addictions. This will ruin your life with no productivity at the end.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to hurt sentiments of readers, In case you find this offensive , please feel free to comment. I really feel sad when someone get addicted to these kind of bad habits which in itself act as toxin that kills you from inside and you never get to know.

I have attached here below a video from TedX which might help many people around

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