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"Always remember you will find your best in your worst, so don't panic worst is there for a good reason, be optimistic"
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत् ॥

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Thursday 25 July 2019

When You are badly Missing Someone

It's a human tendency to load  back what has already been gone i.e their past into their Heads. To have someone in your life is a very special feeling, i think it is above all other feelings. It act as a catalyst for your success. But what when you remember someone whom you desired to be yours but unfortunately there wasn't involvement of second party , I mean there isn't consensus ad- idem. You had presented yourself in one way and she had interpreted/presented herself differently. And because of which you two got departed physically. But what about emotions that you are carried with. You know how does it feel when you have waited someone for years but at the end you do not get what you have always wanted and for which you have waited .
I explained this thing to one of my friend  his reply was " All these feelings, emotions and memories are result of chemical reactions inside your body  you should have control over it" scientifically he was correct but he had no answer on how one should have control over these reactions.

My personal opinion on this subject is, if you banish something you can get rid of it, but not completely because you have captured that thing in your subconscious mind which when comes into your conscious mind , brings pain. This means Memories can never be banished till you die, this is similar like deleting a file from your hard drive, you can get that file back into that same shape and size unless you physically destroy it. And you feel pain when you have  those memories(unpleasant memories) and dreams you dreamt for which at present in no way can be made real. If  memories cannot be banished than what should we do to prevent our self from  such bad memories that will bring to us discomfort and pain? My question is if you do not need that deleted data then why are you mining it through the use of additional resources, this means you are not busy you have countless time available, Similarly to contravene such memories since it cannot be banished one should not allocate time for such and this is possible only when you are continuously accumulating more information without having to look back what had already been collected. And apply filter whenever anything of past is required and that filter can be developed through the right thought process and you will get to know what is right data for you when more and more data is accumulated inside your head. Don't ever bring heart in between , Its purpose is only to pump blood, Brain is there for such things.
And if you cannot do what i have mentioned above  you should write down something like this, it will surely relieve you.

Disclaimer: Everything contained in above text is my personal opinion and is not intended to bring any type of discomfort to anyone.

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